Santa’s Wonderland at the Pyramid
Experience the magic of Christmas at Santa’s Wonderland at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid with a free 4x6 photo with Santa! During your visit, families can mail their letter to…
Elf on the Shelf
Grab your family or friends to solve riddles taking you to different places within the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid and Big Cypress Lodge to discover what the Elf on the…
Elf on the Shelf
Grab your family or friends to solve riddles taking you to different places within the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid and Big Cypress Lodge to discover what the Elf on the…
Holiday Character Breakfast
Bring the kids out for a fun filled morning as they eat a yummy breakfast with a Christmas character! Hungry parents are able to sit at the big kids table and enjoy a breakfast of their own while they watch their children light up with holiday cheer! Dates: Select dates in November and December Time 7am - 9am Location:…
Hot Chocolate and Cookie Delivery
The elves are hard at work to make sure you have a great stay at Big Cypress Lodge during the holidays. They will deliver hot chocolate and Mississippi Mud Slide cookies to your room in the late evening. Be prepared for a knock at the door to accept your delicious treat! This is complimentary for…
Santa Visits
Create memories that will last a lifetime with a visit from the one and only Santa Claus! Santa will come to your room to visit with your child, take pictures and gather any letters they have written to him. Santa will also bring a special gift for your child to keep! Select dates and times…